Unit 1 Task 5.2 "Critical Thinking: The Soul of Effective Communication"

Effective communication come hand in hand with critical thinking as it “is the driver of effective communication” (TalentLens, 2014). Due to poor communication, billions of dollars are lost constantly as it causes low employee engagement and attrition. Poor communication to stakeholders also heavily influences the success in project management. 

As a future leader in my workplace, I must be able to communicate effectively to my employees, colleagues and stakeholders to be able to achieve project deadlines promptly and correctly. Communication is the “meaningful exchange of information, thoughts and feelings between two living creatures” (TalentLes, 2014). However, this is not enough as I need to have critical thinking as a skill too. It helps me build meaningful and systematic thoughts that I need to successfully convey my thoughts, while being clear and concise in my words.

I believe that through effective communication and critical thinking, I will be able to build healthy and professional relationships with my bosses, stakeholders and colleagues. My ideas, which will be coherently built with critical thinking, will be properly imparted to them. Hence, it provides them with my point of view and allows them to understand it.

Adapted from: Critical Thinking: The Soul of Effective Communication (TalentLens, 2014).
Retrieved from: https://talentlens.in/critical-thinking-the-soul-of-effective-communication/


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